To Fear or Not to Fear - Stanley Dumornay - 2020-05-31 (en Anglais)
Stanley almost said it, but I think it needs to be said : courage is, indeed, not the oppotsite of fear. Courage is acting dispite your fear... No fear = no courage.
...also, Montréal... Hong Kong... Patatoe, Potahtoe 😋
Thank you Stanley. I am going to think a lot about the priorities of my fears. It's not a joke, I am not as much afraid of dying of Covid19 than I am of getting it and people accusing me of having been negligent. My biggest fear is the opinion of others! How sad is that? I see how that plays out in my walk with God. I'm less afraid of what God thinks than what others think. Thanks for the wake up Stanley.
Thank you for sharing about your fears and keeping it real!